Monday, June 29, 2009

How to Blog For Income

How to Blog For Income - Discover the Secret to Making Money From Blogging
By []Keith Garrow

It sounds like the perfect job doesn't it? Writing your thoughts in a blog and somehow getting rich because of it - what a life. Of course, most of the stories you hear of people getting rich blogging are about those few whose blog has become hugely popular, enabling them to make a fortune. It is fair to say that these are the exceptions and that for each success story there are millions more blogs that are seen by very few people and from which the authors get hardly any income.

However, the way to make money from blogs is not to just start blogging and hope you are one of the few who get fantastically lucky. You may as well just buy a lottery ticket. The process is not magical or mysterious and you can take a tried and tested and logical approach to it, which will guarantee you a decent income in time. Blogs make money because visitors click on adverts or follow affiliate recommendations. That is where the money comes from, so the only way to get that money is to have lots of visitors to your blog, and your income increases in proportion with the number of visitors you have. If you have visitors, you will get money - simple as that.

Which leads us onto the question of how you actually get those visitors. You can't just write about what you want and hope visitors will find your blog - they are not likely to find it unless you get very lucky. If you want to be guaranteed visitors, you need to choose the right subject for your blog, and optimize it for search engines. The visitors you need to attract to your blog are from search engines, because these are free and plentiful. The choice of subject for your blog is absolutely crucial, because you must find a niche that is of interest to enough people, without being in competition with lots of other websites and blogs. Only if you do this can you hope to achieve high enough ranking in the search engine results to get lots of visitors. Proper research is therefore essential.

Even if you choose the right topic, that will not be enough in itself to get visitors. You need to create and promote your blog in such a way as to make sure the search engines rate it as an important and useful site. This is called search engine optimization and among other things involves selecting the right key phrases for your posts and getting other sites to link to your blog. Backlinks from other sites are seen by search engines as an indication of quality and importance.

Let's suppose you get all this right, choose the right niche, select the best keywords and get links back to your blog so that it shows up in search engine results and gets a steady stream of visitors. Well done, because that is quite an achievement in itself, but it is unlikely to earn you more than a few dollars a day. The only certain way to earn serious money from blogging, is to create lots of other blogs that meet the same criteria as the one we have just described. I mean ten, twenty or even a hundred blogs, all attracting different visitors and earning money every day. Then your income really is worth having.

The problem is the time it takes to create this number of blogs, or any kind of website. You can't skimp on the proper research for the right niche and keywords, and neither can you skimp on good content or all the search engine optimization you need to do, so how can you possibly make enough blogs to earn serious cash? Not surprisingly you can't, unless you employ some sort of tool or software, or combination of tools, to automate as much of the process as possible.

There are lots of tools available to do with generating and promoting blogs, but you need to be careful to avoid any which just enable you to churn out junk blogs full of second hand content and adverts. While claims of putting blogs up without having to write content may sound appealing, search engines hate duplicate content and such blogs will never rank well enough to get decent traffic. What you require is something that will guide you through all the stages you need to go through to create a quality blog, while automating as much of the process as possible.

Get recommendations on the best []blog creation software on the author's website. Keith Garrow is an artist whose website now offers detailed advice and guidance on many web related subjects, including []web host reviews, search engine optimization and how to create a website.

Article Source:

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Learning to Write First Thing In the Morning

All of us need to write ads, post on a forum or on a blog or website etc. to make money online. I found this article to be such a help to me I thought about it weeks after I read it. And yes I am trying to do these simple things that make writing a easier chore...

Learning to Write First Thing In the Morning
By Bill Achola

1.Wake earlier. From personal experience, I find that the earlier I wake up the better things go. I wake up at 5am, but Leo wakes up between 4am-4:30. Sound impossible (or at the very least just unpleasant)? Steve Pavlina has a great article about how to become an early riser that I've found very helpful.

2.Topic. Establish what you'll write about the afternoon or evening before. This is a biggie. At least for myself part of what makes it easier for me to get out of bed is knowing that I have a specific thing to write about. If I am winging it, I find that I dread getting out of bed because I know that I have to get over the hump of determining what my writing topic is. Also, if you decide what your writing topic will be the night before, you have a chance to mull the idea over in a casual, relaxed manner at night and when you're sleeping.

3.Research. I also do my research the night or afternoon before. My goal is to wake up and have everything I need to get started without having to go online to look something up. Believe me, if I go online to search for something there is a good chance that I'll get distracted!

4.Start with an outline. Oh, this is a good one! An outline will save your life, especially since it's so intimidating just looking at a blank page on a screen. Writing out your outline for your article will also help you finish faster, because you know what comes next in your argument. I used to never use outlines, but since I've started I'm addicted to them.

5.Don’t check email. Or whatever you normally want to do first thing when you turn on the computer. Believe me, if you get pulled into your inbox or start surfing the web or playing in Facebook or Twitter, it can be hours before you can wrestle yourself free. Resist!

6.Have it open. Leo uses the writing program WriteRoom, but I'm usually working in either Word or Pages (on my Mac). I have my outline open on my desktop, and my document open too. I don't have to look anything up. Even putting a temporary title on the page the day before helps get things started. Remember, when you wake up you want to be able to hit the ground running with minimal distractions.
Get a glass of water or coffee. I look forward to waking up and making a cup of coffee–that's one of the things that helps me get up (even though I drink decaf)! It's just the smell of it that makes me feel good and alert. Making a cup of coffee to carry to my desk is also a little ritual–it just helps me ease into the day.

7.Focus. I've learned the hard way that when I'm writing I should not venture into email, get up to watch TV, play around on the internet, or do anything that is not the task at hand (which is writing). It's so easy to lose that writing rhythm. It does take discipline to resist the urge to wander, but with a lot of practice I've trained myself to focus in like a laser beam on what I'm writing.
Check email (or another reward) when you’ve done an hour. I reward myself with a break after an hour or an hour and a half. During that break I'll have a snack, sit outside, play with my dog, or do something else that is relaxing and fun. I don't check my email until after my writing session is done (I am easily distracted by email!), but you may be a stronger person than I am . Just remember to reward yourself with something after an hour or so.

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Sunday, June 7, 2009

Websites- Which one for Me?

You do need your own website to make serious money online. You have to decide which kind of website you want to get started with. I have included an article that explains 5 different kinds of websites.

You just pick the kind of website you want to make and get started. As you work on it Ideas will come to you on what to add to it. The main thing is to get started on your very own site and work on it every chance you have to tweak it.

Once that site is completed and you like how it looks and it has good links that go to the right pages-then you really need to work on adding another kind of website to your income. Pick another kind of website and work on it.

It is fun to create a site others enjoy too. Once you have it the way you like it be sure to advertise it and advertise it and advertise it some more.

I started with four splash pages I made them for free at TETools. I still use those pages & tweak them ever so often. I love how the site keeps up with statics on your page views (all for free too!).


The Only 5 Kinds of Websites That You Should Make
By Bill Achola

When you’re building a website specifically to support your article marketing efforts, you need to think about what you want the website to do. What’s the primary purpose? In several years of article marketing, I’ve learned there are basically five reasons to build a website:

1 - To earn AdSense income.
2 - To promote your newsletter and build an opt-in email list.
3 - To present a direct sales pitch for a product (a “sales letter” site).
4 - To start a blog for quick indexing and free targeted traffic.
5 - Purely for SEO (Search Engine Optimization) purposes.

In practice, you will usually combine a couple of the above purposes into one website. And if you’re smart, you’ll ALWAYS include an opt-in form on ALL your sites Let’s look at the five types of websites in a little more detail.

1 — The AdSense Site The goal here is to make a site with good AdSense placements. If you aren’t familiar with AdSense,. AdSense is an ad program offered by Google. Unlike affiliate programs, where the visitor has to make a purchase for you to get paid, AdSense pays you whenever someone clicks one of its ads.An AdSense site offers your visitors excellent quality information, plus it displays AdSense in a way that encourages them to read the ads and click on the ones that interest them the most. What you make from an AdSense click depends on many different factors it can be anywhere from a couple of cents to a couple of dollars. Once you qualify for an AdSense account, you place a small piece of code on your website where you want ads to display.

2 — The Opt-In Site As I mentioned earlier, you should actually build an opt-in list on ALL your sites. But sometimes you will build a site for just this ONE purpose to get subscribers to your opt-in listOn an opt-in site, there will be nothing else on the main page except your opt-in box and a call to action, encouraging the visitor to subscribe. The goal of your opt-in site is, of course, high conversions. In this case you’re not selling a product you’ll do that in your email newsletters though I guess you could say that your newsletter is a free product! The point is to get as many visitors as possible to actually become subscribers.

3 — The Direct Sales Site The name says it all. Everything on this page layout, content, graphics is designed to “pre-sell” the reader on owning the product. The Direct Sales site is designed to encourage visitors to click through to the merchant’s sales page and BUY the product. There’s a lot you can do with this type of website. You could provide full product reviews, mini-reviews, videos of the product, testimonials and endorsements, and even compare several similar products side-by-side. Later on I’ll show an example of one type of Direct Sales site that has converted very well for my own article traffic.

4 — Blog Blogs are a very interesting phenomenon, and can really multiply your article marketing efforts. Blogs have a couple of advantages over ordinary websites: a.Search engines love blogs. If you set up your blog correctly, Google will index your blog pages very fast. This means that if you put the right keywords into the articles you put on your blog (called “posts”), you’ll start to get free traffic from searches almost immediately. b.The beauty of a blog is that you can easily add little scripts to it — called “plug-ins” — that allow readers to share what you’ve written on these sites, and with just one click. That’s more free targeted traffic, and you don’t have to lift a finger to get it. Blogging works incredibly well with affiliate marketing and article marketing — if you set up your blog properly. In fact, over the last year and a half I’ve been using blogs almost exclusively when building new websites. And there are bloggers who make five figures a month using blog marketing, so it definitely works! Recently I developed a whole course on blog marketing with Rosalind Gardner, who you may know as one of the world’s most successful affiliates The point is, blogs work hand-in-hand with article marketing

5 — The SEO SiteSEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. SEO is the art and science of creating web pages that the search engines especially Google will display on the first page of results for certain keywords you are targeting. Basically SEO involves more research than the Ezine Articles and ClickBank research you just learned about. You’d need to research keywords related to your niche using a tool like the Google AdWords Keyword Tool. Then you would write your content using those keywords a specific number of times, as well as including related keywords. You’d also need to make sure your web page code makes it easy for search engine scripts called “spiders”to read your pages. And finally, you’d start a link-building campaign to get other sites, especially important sites called “authority sites,” to link to your web pages.

Article Source: []

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Earning Online!

We all (are should be) searching for ways to earn online. It has to be cheap & have results quickly. This is a page to get some helps on earning online.

I was with FreebieForce as an affiliate but it went up to $20 a month to be a member. I think that is overpriced. I can find freebies myself online for free. It just takes more time than looking at the list at FreebieForce but I save $20 a month by looking for other free freebie sites & they are out there!

I am going to try my best to update this site once a week. I am still a cancer patient and I am called to be in the hospital all the time. But I am doing much better than 2 years ago! Praise God!

I love comments from readers! Lets earn online together! My other blog (Has PTC Reviews & Updates with a funny youtube) has updated news everyday but Sunday.

Thanks for clicking! Email me anytime!